LYRICS: Tmax – Chioma (Good God)

Chioma (Good God) lyrics by Tmax.

Below is the lyrics to the trending song “Chioma” by Tmax.  The song is extremely melodious, indigenous, soul lifting and edifying, it’s a song for the season and a must download. If you know ‘Tmax’ then you know he never fails to roll out good music. May your life be filled with God’s Goodness as you download and listen.

Chioma Lyrics by Tmax

I can testify there’s no one good like you
No one true like you
Isi Ike ndu
So good to me
Imara’ma na eziokwu
Nothing compares to you

You are good (Chioma)
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

I troway salute
I pour my heart
I stand gidigba
As I bring my praise to you
I bring my praise to you
Para Halleluyah for you
All my to you

You are good (Chioma)
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

I troway salute
I pour my heart
I stand gidigba
As I bring my praise to you
I bring my praise to you
Para Halleluyah for you
All my to you

You are good (Chioma)
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

Searched all over
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

Couldn’t find nobody
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

Looked high and low
Na you dey reign alone
Ibu Chioma ne me mma
Na you dey reign alone

Chioma (4x)
You are good
Na you dey reign alone

Na you dey reign alone

You don’t have the song? Stream & Download below!



  1. I love your song boss.

  2. this song is indeed melodious

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