[MUSIC] Dapristhud – Alheri

Dapristhud - Alheri

Nigeria Renowned gospel group, Dapristhud returns with yet another power-packed heavenly sound titled “Alheri”.

Speaking about there newest effort “Alheri”, Dapristhud says; The song ‘Alheri’ is the Hausa word for grace, God grace is overwhelming, this song will bring us to a place of reckoning all that Gods grace is to us”.

God gives us His marvelous grace, unmerited favor, undeserved love and compassion. That’s just something that you don’t find in the world. God scorns the scorners and rejects those that trust in themselves and their own righteousness. He rewards the humble, those that will bow before him and serve him willfully, but he can only judge and condemn those whose pride won’t let them serve the Lord.

There is only one Lawgiver. It is God the Father, who gave the law to the people of Israel, both the judicial, ceremonial and the moral law. God gives us commandments to obey and laws to live by. Only Jesus can save a soul. Only he can make you whole. Who are we to judge another?

There latest project “Alheri” speaks more about God’s grace. The soul-lifting song was produced by “rocksKING”.

Stream, download, enjoy and share

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Facebook: Dapristhud



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  1. It’s a privilege to be the producer of this song. DaPristhud is worth hearing. Have a listen.

  2. Niece song

  3. Blessed! Thank you for sharing

  4. This guys are amazing. Great song

  5. Niece 1. More anointing

  6. Rejoice James

    Your songs are always refreshing and inspiring I believe alheriis no exception. More grace guys.

  7. I feel blessed,more grace

  8. Mind blowing,weldone sir,more grace Amen

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