Adeyinka Alaseyori Releases ‘He Made A Way’ Single – Download!

Adeyinka Alaseyori Releases ‘He Made A Way’ Single – Download!

Adeyinka Alaseyori - He Made A Way

Yinka Alaseyori has come to hit the gospel music industry with a great and inspiring song, tittle: “He Made A Way”, the crooner of “Alaseyori Mi” made it to lime light after the release of her last album. This song is promising to open your eyes to what God can do through your confession and faith.

Alaseyori made it known saying:

“No matter how hard a steel is, once you continue to hit at a spot one day it will conform to the shape you want it to. Knowing why you want a thing is as important as knowing what you want.  He made a way is not just another gospel song, it is my testimony and testament of what God can do. Singing is a form of communication and it is not an option for us as believers, it’s a command~ “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)”. I have no doubt in my heart that this song will be used as a tool to pave way for many with closed doors of opportunities in whatever form.”

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