[MUSIC] Faith Igwe – Spiritual Weapons (Ft. Segun Lawal)

Faith Igwe - Spiritual Weapons (Ft. Segun Lawal)

Nigerian gospel music minister and exquisite songwriter, Faith Igwe offers up a band new song titled “Spiritual Weapons,” featuring the amazing vocals of Segun Lawal. The song is available now for streaming and downloading via all major digital outlets.

This song ‘Spiritual Weapons’ according to Faith Igwe, is inspired by these scriptures: Ephesians 6:12-18 and Revelation 12:11. We are all on a journey. The reason for our existence is to make Jesus Christ known to the unsaved and this task we all must do to fulfill the “Great Commission”. Satan is aware of this and therefore makes every effort to stop us from fulfilling our purpose here on earth. We have been instructed in God’s word to “fight the good fight of faith …..” as soldiers of Christ.

She continues; “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the realm of the supernatural. The scripture makes it clear that the weapons of our warfare are not canal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4).”

“As we pray and meditate on God’s word, we can fight every fiery darts of the evil one. These weapons are: The name of Jesus which has the power to heal and deliver, the Word of God which is God himself. (John 1:1), the Blood of Jesus that was shed for us on the cross of Calvary. and the blood still has the power to resurrect every situation that seems dead in our lives. May this song minister to that soul in need of this message.” –  She concluded!

The song was produced by Teesound for Sound Solutions Pro-Audio.


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Connect with Faith Igwe
Instagram: https://www.instagram/faithnog


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