[SERMON] “Be Mindful of the Words You Speak” – Victoria Osteen

David prayed in Psalm 141, “Lord, set a guard over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips.” He was saying, “God, I am in a difficult situation. Don’t let me speak words that get my life off course. I don’t want to speak what I see and feel. I want to speak what You want. I want to go in Your direction for my life.”

And that’s exactly what you and I need to speak in the midst of the pressures of life. Our words can send us in the direction of God. We serve a positive God who spoke life and light into a dark and void situation and created this world. And He has given us the privilege to do the same—to speak into our situations, to begin to prophesy our future, to direct our life where it needs to go so that we can obtain the miracles that He has for us.

This is message #760, “Be Mindful of the Words You Speak”, by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit



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